Both my friend and I have prominent Scorpio Moons. Probably the sole reason I detected this vocal shift is because I do the same thing, and because I've only ever noticed other Scorpio Moons or Scorpio risings doing it as well. It is something we are almost always unaware of in the moment, a subdued way of claiming a small amount of leverage over whomever we may be talking to. No, that is not an extremely nice thing to admit, but this change in voice is mostly guileless. It is not conscious manipulation, and it does not come from a place of ill will.
If a person with several Scorpio placements unfurls the voice they are usually trying to impress their audience. It should be noted that the voice is not a constant thing. It is used when the Scorpionic human being in question feels the pressure to perform, and the anxiety natural to any Scorpio placement responds by masking their vulnerability. I've found that when I'm comfortable enough to speak in class* I tend to Scorpio voice my way through analyzing a text or discussing historical events.
Anyway, feel free to decide for yourself whether this is bullshit.
Here is an example of the "Scorpio placement voice;" Elijah Wood in an interview this past year (Aquarius Sun, Scorpio Moon and MC.) Notice the pauses after sentences, the sort of calculated hand movements, even the "uhhh...."s sound, at least to me, almost decorative. He exposes himself only by blinking a bit excessively- usually a sign of self-consciousness. (I hate to analyze poor EW like this, but let's be real- psychoastrological theory is a pretty niche subject and my blog is a pretty quiet cupboard of the internet. There is a shockingly small chance he would ever find this, thank God.)
Now compare that to this interview with Ewan McGregor (Aries Sun, Gemini Moon, no Scorpio placements whatsoever- Saturn in the 8th.) (Try to wade through the accent.) He seems more genuine to me mainly because of how naturally flat his voice stays and how quickly his facial expressions change- like punctuation versus persuasion. Most people in casual conversation do not emphasize each word individually (as EW does,) and because of this when they begin speaking with real passion there is a noticeable abrupt shift. When he starts giggling he exposes a bit of actual, non-rehearsed anxiety.
Idk, man.
- I often see this more among Scorpio Moons/risings than Scorpio Suns.
- The voice may not be present at all if the individual has an oppressive placement in Gemini, the 3rd house, or an afflicted Mercury. This would lead to a general difficulty with verbal communication.
*A very rare occurrence.